the blueprint for impact brands

Our next cohort begins July, 2024
and is filling fast.

For a limited time, only $1,000NZD plus tax.
Register your interest today.

Send me the intro pack

A strong business is no longer just about profit.

To survive and succeed within the current environmental and social landscape, we must consider the triple bottom line - profit, planet and people. 

Whether you’re leading the charge or responding to change, ‘Imprint’ is a five-part workshop that guides you through the process of building or transforming a successful business with purpose, impact, culture and creativity at its core. A business that solves a real problem, measures and minimises its impact, then draws an engaged, loyal community around an authentic story.

Ready to make a lasting impact?

Future-proof your business

To front-foot the global shift away from tokenism, greenwashing and box ticking, we want to give you the tools to build a purpose-led brand that solves a real problem, measures and minimises its impact, and draws a loyal community around an authentic story.

‘Imprint’ is an interactive guide delivered in person or online, in groups or one-on-one, and all outputs are structured to be in line with the basic requirements for BCorp, allowing attendees to transfer information on application. 

We draw on global inspiration, offer practical solutions, cut through the faff and create the foundation for an impact-led, innovative and successful business. 

The course is registered with the Regional Business Partners Capability Training Scheme, and participants can apply for partial funding to complete.

Over five workshops
(and 2 x 1:1s), we will work through your business, impact and brand strategy to create your very own blueprint. This includes:

  • Your why - honing in on your true purpose, cultural context and the problem you are solving, pressure testing the foundations of your business and redesigning your model, offering and policies as required. 
  • Your how - setting you up with the tools to measure and track your impact, identify your priorities and report your journey, from manufacturing to marketing.
  • Your story - your elevator pitch and one-pager that gets you standing out from the crowd and building a genuine community around your brand.
  • Tool kit - a comprehensive set of tools to help you tackle impact challenges in the future.

Future-proof your business and create your impact-led business and brand strategy, with Imprint.


How much is the course?


Who is Imprint for?

Imprint is…

…for any business or individual looking to build/rebuild/refine a purpose-led brand. This includes startups, established enterprises, and anyone committed to future-proofing their business. 

…the first step for anyone considering BCorp.

What will I walk away with?

1. A textbook packed to the rafters with concepts and case studies.

2. A completed workbook that includes your:

• brand axel 

• brand positioning statement

• key brand tenets (vision, mission, personality, values)

• circular business model

• environmental management system (robot speak for a framework to measure your emissions)

3. A network of like-minded, ambitious and impact-savvy people.
How can I sign up?

Drop us a message and we’ll get you scheduled into your cohort.

Each cohort takes between 5 and 10 businesses.

What if I can’t attend the workshops?

We sell the course textbook and workbook for $500+gst.

This is included in the full course cost if you sign up to the workshops, but can also be sold as a standalone for you to complete.

What if I need extra guidance?

We offer extra support at an hourly cost of $200+GST, or we have off-the-shelf packages to help with any manner of brand and marketing needs.

See our other services here.

Can I do the course remotely?

Absolutely. We run the course in person for those local, or via Zoom for those not.